Put File not working - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Put File not working (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)

by Dave, Thursday, September 14, 2023, 21:32 (246 days ago) @ Jasmine

I am using the SFTP product. We are incorporating the SSH Keys
Sub MainRoutine

Set SFTPFISUpload = New wodSFTPCom
SFTPFISUpload.LicenseKey = "****-****-****-****"
Set SFTPKey = New WODSSHKeyLib.Keys

SFTPFISUpload.Blocking = True
' SFTPFISUpload.TransferMode = Binary

SFTPKey.Load Trim("C:\cfiles\PrivateKey.ppx"), Password
SFTPFISUpload.HostName = IP Address
SFTPFISUpload.Authentication = authPubkey
SFTPFISUpload.Login = User Name
SFTPFISUpload.PrivateKey = SFTPKey.PrivateKey(RSAkey)

SFTPFISUpload.Timeout = 0
SFTPFISUpload.KeepAlives = 60



End Sub

Private Sub SFTPFISUpload_Connected(ByVal ErrorCode As Integer, ByVal ErrorText As String)
' Coming in with ErrorCode = 0

If ErrorCode <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Connect Error = " & ErrorText, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "FIS Connection"
lblFileUploaded.Visible = False
Exit Sub
lblFileUploaded.Visible = True
lblFileUploaded.Caption = "Connected to FIS"
End If

Call FISPmt3SendFile
lblFileUploaded.Caption = "File Uploaded to Processor"
TimerUpload.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub FISPmt3SendFile()
'This just refreshes a label on the form
lblFileUploaded.Caption = "Sending File"
DoEvents ' no consequence here - took it out and got the same issue

'We cannot get passed this - it just halts and nothing moves
SFTPFISUpload.PutFile fstrFTPUploadFileName, fstrDLXRemotePath

End Sub

This does not send us to any routine to check progress or anything. Just halts.


hi. It's hard to say without more info. Which product exactly are you using? What kind of server are you connecting to? Can you share some code? Does Progress event fire? Do you get any errors (such as timeout)?


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